Astrologie Persane – Les degrés symbolliques

Etudes des degrés Symboliques (en anglais) :

Cette étude est l’une des plus complètes à ce jour. Elle comprend l’analyse des degrés symbolique selon onze des meilleurs auteurs contemporains :


La Folasfera








Le rapport comprend les degrés du Soleil natal, de la Lune, de Mercure, de Mars, de Jupiter, de Saturne, d’Uranus, de Neptune, du Pluton, de l’ASC et du MC. Ce qui fait au total 121 sentences pour une étude complète. L’étude des degrés symboliques, appelés également les degrés barbariques, est d’une importance primordiale, car ce qui ne peut être révélé par l’examen de l’horoscope, sera révélé par l’étude des degrés symboliques.

C’est dans les degrés symboliques qu’est caché le secret de l’astrologie magique des Chaldéens et des Egyptiens.

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Exemple des degrés symboliques d’Emmanuel Macron :

Emmanuel Macron

21 December 1977


Amiens, France

49 N 54      2 E 18      Tropical  Equal
Standard time observed     GMT: 09:39:00
Time Zone: 1 hours East

Planet Positions:
Sun     29 Sag 25               Pluto    16 Lib 27
Moon    14 Tau 28               N. Node  12 Lib 10
Mercury 29 Sag 52               Asc.     28 Cap 28
Venus   21 Sag 48               MC       29 Sco 07
Mars    11 Leo 04               2nd cusp 28 Aqu 28
Jupiter  1 Can 18               3rd cusp 28 Pis 28
Saturn   0 Vir 27               5th cusp 28 Tau 28
Uranus  14 Sco 50               6th cusp 28 Gem 28
Neptune 16 Sag 21

The theory that each degree of the zodiac has a different meaning has been existed for hundreds of years. Given below are the interpretations of each zodiac degree according to 11 different sources. You can compare the interpretations according to different authors, and decide for yourself which interpretations are the most accurate and useful.

Some of the interpretations were derived through extensive research, some through intuition, and some through a combination of research and astrological theory. An example of astrological theory applied to degree meanings are the interpretations given by David Cochrane, who theorizes that the 12th harmonic signs and the 30th harmonic signs and their relative house and relative sign positions create the basic meaning of the zodiac degree. The codes at the end of his interpretation indicate these values, so, for example, « (SCO-10-VIR, LIB-9-LEO) » means that the 12th harmonic sign is Scorpio, its relative house position is 10, relative sign position is Virgo. The 30th harmonic sign is Libra and its relative house position is 9 and its relative sign position is Leo. This theory is explained in detail in his book.

The sources of the interpretations are as follows:
The Three Hundred Sixty Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli
Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized (and La Volasfera) by Charubel
Astrology for the 21st Century by David Cochrane
Degrees of the Zodiac by Donna Walter Henson
Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones
Zodiacal Symbology and Its Planetary Power by Isidore Kozminsky
Degrees of the Zodiac by Esther Leinbach
Fixed Stars and Degrees of the Zodiac Analyzed by E. C. Matthews
The Degrees of the Zodiac Analyzed by Ada Muir
Zodiac Degrees by Peter J. Weber

Degree Meanings



Sabian Symbol (Sun):

Original from M. E. Jones: The Pope. Keyword: Sanctity

Rudhyar version: The Pope Blessing The Faithful

Charubel (Sun):

Symbol: A man standing alone in a dark and gloomy valley, and a ray of brilliant light coming direct from the heavens on the crown of his head.

Denotes one who will have a mission to execute; a cyclic man, not a time man; one who lives a life beyond his day; not always understood, he suffers accordingly.

La Volasfera (Sun):

Symbol: A spade protruding from the soil.

It is the symbol of mind that is capable of sustaining great and arduous work, one to whom some of the dark secrets of Nature will be revealed. He may show some taste for agriculture or may follow the fortunes of some great mining industry or archaeological research, and in such he will be a discoverer. Whatever his walk in life, his work will be difficult and protracted, but success will ultimately crown his labors. Endowed with a sharp, incisive mind and strong purpose, he will ignore the advice of friends and rely wholly on is own efforts. It is a degree of DISCOVERY.

Matthews (Sun):

Symbol: « EMULATION »

Wants to be the ‘Head Man.‘ Benefics here denote a better type. Good intellect, sometimes art ability, but usually better suited to commercial enterprises.

Carelli (Sun):

The native is a misfit in his times. He may discover some of the most jealously guarded secrets of nature and be a forerunner of times to come; and may as well bring again to the light things long forgotten and buried, thus reviving the past. Whether the former or the latter, he has a mission to fulfill and possesses the force of character and the sharpness of mind life demands of him. A naturalist or a mining engineer, a pioneer, an archaeologist or whatever he is, he is born to discover, to innovate, and to be misunderstood and bitterly fought. He will have to suffer but will be able to overrule the intrusive advice of the zealous. Should the other aspects not rule out a measure of luck, he may well end by carrying the day.

Kozminsky (Sun):

Symbol: A shield, with a gorgon’s head embossed on it, attached to a column.

Denotes one of active mental power who is indispensable to his friends and a thorn to his enemies. He is capable of seeing events far in advance of their materialization and counts the years of human progress in its pendulum-like motion. He has in him a strong spirit of fight and a feeling of naught else but victory. It is a symbol of Supremacy.

Muir (Sun):

Enterprising and ambitious in whatever he attempts. Admired by friend or foe for his indomitable fighting spirit.

Leinbach (Sun):

There is an emphasis on physical fitness found here together with some ability for the study of physiology and medicine. His abilities risk being lost because of lack of confidence. There are childish qualities which lack poise and self-assurance. The rest of the chart may provide what this one lacks, in which case there would be pronounced abilities. The degree needs more maturity and self-orientation to properly display what he may be capable of. Under severe stress there is danger of mental breakdown of one kind or another and he may become confused and irrational. One peculiarity of this degree is the love of a snug bed, tucked in with sheets of fine soft texture. This native likes to take the lead and be given positions of authority. There is some suggestion of artistic ability which may be coupled with business success. The success with business enterprises comes from the Capricorn cusp position.

Weber (Sun):

Dark, foreboding Capricorn waits a day away – the shortest daylight day in the Northern hemisphere, making this a hard to define degree.
Has strong desires to establish position in the world, but usually the wrong constituency. Aims very high, and to achieve such greatness, must study and learn human nature in order to manipulate and motivate others. Develops own type of clairvoyance, short-cutting to quick answers. Lacks logic, but good at getting own way. Drawn to dangerous commercial enterprises, and may be successful, but if given the chance.

Henson (Sun):

Clairvoyance; imitators; aptitude for studying human nature; angina pectoris; large or peculiar teeth; especially if on the Ascendant; wants to be the « head man » unless a benefic is here; good intellect; sometimes art ability but better suited to commercial enterprises; gives an immoral; mean; slovenly nature; pear-shaped muscle.

Cochrane (Sun):

Sharp and clear thinking. Keen perception and penetrating insight. At times prone to caustic and satirical speech. May have a confused or one-sided attitude regarding sex. (PIS-4-SCO, VIR-10-TAU)


Sabian Symbol (Moon):

Original from M. E. Jones: A man muffled up, with a rakish silk hat. Keyword: Sophistication

Rudhyar version: Head Covered With A Rakish Silk Hat, Muffled Against The Cold, A Man Braves A Storm

Charubel (Moon):

Symbol: A natural well surrounded with moss, low shrubs, and briars. The water is clear as crystal and cold as ice. The immediate locality is dry and barren.

A person possessing wonderful abilities, numerous accomplishments, and, above all, a revealer of secrets, much given to researches in nature.

La Volasfera (Moon):

Symbol: A venerable man seated in an uncertain light; before him are several books, and various scientific instruments surround him.

It denotes a studious and intuitive nature, whose mental vision will see where others are in the darkness; one devoted to the inner meaning of Nature’s workings, and acting from obscure motives; one of much self-reliance, inclined to solitariness, and yet always surrounded by friends; one who will be sought after while himself seeking none. It is a degree of MYSTERY.

Matthews (Moon):


Connected with circulation of the blood, as well as the circulation of ideas and propaganda. Also called a degree of exchange and barter. Sometimes traveling salesmen or financiers. May live or die in foreign lands.

Carelli (Moon):

Symbol: A hoary, venerable looking augur looks up at a flight of seven birds. Desert around.

The native possesses the gift of inspiring unconsciously and nearly unintentionally, a sudden and durable liking, and to make others trust him as much as he himself. Whether the field of researches he keenly pursues is material or spiritual, his ideas will be original, daring, uncommon; his intuition may even foreshadow the future.

In heathen ages he would have been an oracle, a fulguriator, a Sybil. In this materialistic age, he may get the hang of scientific or material truths as if by inspiration, but his mind will ever run to the hidden causes and the living root of phenomena. A deeply religious being, he will, short of any confessional faith, worship the scientific line he has embraced. Should the horoscope bear it out, his life would have an ascetical outlook.

This degree tends to give a bold, icy temper if the Fire element is absent from the rest of the pattern. Nevertheless, this somewhat uncouth being, lost in his mighty visions and more or less indifferent to love, may have a following of utterly devoted friends and of disciples not likely to forget his teachings. In unusual and remarkable patterns, such a being may well end by being looked at as a forerunner or a prophet by posterity, and his doctrine may become an article of blind faith.

Kozminsky (Moon):

Symbol: A student with lamp in hand, standing at the entrance of a cavern from which issue clouds of soft, light, rosy vapor.

Denotes a person whose tastes and desires are directed to the understanding of the secrets which rest beneath the veil. He has brought to earth from other sources the knowledge which enables him to find the entrance to the cavern of hidden jewels, but it is doubtful if he can enter, for the gateway is guarded by sublime and intense colors caused by more excessive vibrations than can be endured by the human body. The light vapor approaching the « Ultra » stage is more powerful and effective than dragons of fire. It is a symbol of Initiation.

Muir (Moon):

Sympathetic and broadminded towards religion but keenly desirous of unraveling the Divine mysteries. Should avoid negative mediumistic states.

Leinbach (Moon):

This degree also seems to encompass some mystical tendencies. The native may either seek companionship or retire to some monastic situation where he meditates on seeking mystical truths. It would seem that the influences here are meant to blend the two extremes but most people with this degree prominent seem to gravitate to one pole or the other. It is also said to rule circulation of the blood as well as of ideas. This degree may contribute something to writing ability if there are other influences in the chart which point him in that direction. Generally speaking there is very little ill will in this degree and he usually does all he can see to do to benefit society rather than spend his energy in antisocial behavior. There is a broadness to this degree which leaves room for other manifestations. I do not consider it as dominating in the pattern.

Weber (Moon):

Perceptive, quick thinking, naturalist Virgo with Aries here suggest a researches, a keen intuitive mind, and like most Taureans, it’s adaptable to any vocation. Philosopher it’s adaptable to any vocation. Philosopher and believer in faith or faith healer. Able to comprehend and explain life’s mysteries. An asset to spouse or partners, good teacher of young learners. Short, abrupt temper, impatient, easily offended, but none-the-less admired and sophisticated.

Henson (Moon):

Business; singers; a degree of exchange and barter; some times traveling salesmen or financiers; may live or die in foreign lands; circulation of blood as well as ideas and propaganda; causes disease, disgrace, ruin injury from beasts, sickness, and loss of fortune; epiglottis.

Cochrane (Moon):

Generous and wealthy. Pleasant, tactful, and gracious. Successful dealer of merchandise, or
successful in some other business pursuit. (VIR-5-LIB, SAG-8-CAP)


Sabian Symbol (Mercury):

Original from M. E. Jones: The Pope. Keyword: Sanctity

Rudhyar version: The Pope Blessing The Faithful

Charubel (Mercury):

Symbol: A man standing alone in a dark and gloomy valley, and a ray of brilliant light coming direct from the heavens on the crown of his head.

Denotes one who will have a mission to execute; a cyclic man, not a time man; one who lives a life beyond his day; not always understood, he suffers accordingly.

La Volasfera (Mercury):

Symbol: A spade protruding from the soil.

It is the symbol of mind that is capable of sustaining great and arduous work, one to whom some of the dark secrets of Nature will be revealed. He may show some taste for agriculture or may follow the fortunes of some great mining industry or archaeological research, and in such he will be a discoverer. Whatever his walk in life, his work will be difficult and protracted, but success will ultimately crown his labors. Endowed with a sharp, incisive mind and strong purpose, he will ignore the advice of friends and rely wholly on is own efforts. It is a degree of DISCOVERY.

Matthews (Mercury):

Symbol: « EMULATION »

Wants to be the ‘Head Man.’ Benefics here denote a better type. Good intellect, sometimes art ability, but usually better suited to commercial enterprises.

Carelli (Mercury):

The native is a misfit in his times. He may discover some of the most jealously guarded secrets of nature and be a forerunner of times to come; and may as well bring again to the light things long forgotten and buried, thus reviving the past. Whether the former or the latter, he has a mission to fulfill and possesses the force of character and the sharpness of mind life demands of him. A naturalist or a mining engineer, a pioneer, an archaeologist or whatever he is, he is born to discover, to innovate, and to be misunderstood and bitterly fought. He will have to suffer but will be able to overrule the intrusive advice of the zealous. Should the other aspects not rule out a measure of luck, he may well end by carrying the day.

Kozminsky (Mercury):

Symbol: A shield, with a gorgon’s head embossed on it, attached to a column.

Denotes one of active mental power who is indispensable to his friends and a thorn to his enemies. He is capable of seeing events far in advance of their materialization and counts the years of human progress in its pendulum-like motion. He has in him a strong spirit of fight and a feeling of naught else but victory. It is a symbol of Supremacy.

Muir (Mercury):

Enterprising and ambitious in whatever he attempts. Admired by friend or foe for his indomitable fighting spirit.

Leinbach (Mercury):

There is an emphasis on physical fitness found here together with some ability for the study of physiology and medicine. His abilities risk being lost because of lack of confidence. There are childish qualities which lack poise and self-assurance. The rest of the chart may provide what this one lacks, in which case there would be pronounced abilities. The degree needs more maturity and self-orientation to properly display what he may be capable of. Under severe stress there is danger of mental breakdown of one kind or another and he may become confused and irrational. One peculiarity of this degree is the love of a snug bed, tucked in with sheets of fine soft texture. This native likes to take the lead and be given positions of authority. There is some suggestion of artistic ability which may be coupled with business success. The success with business enterprises comes from the Capricorn cusp position.

Weber (Mercury):

Dark, foreboding Capricorn waits a day away – the shortest daylight day in the Northern hemisphere, making this a hard to define degree. Has strong desires to establish position in the world, but usually the wrong constituency.
Aims very high, and to achieve such greatness, must study and learn human nature in order to manipulate and motivate others. Develops own type of clairvoyance, short-cutting to quick answers. Lacks logic, but good at getting own way. Drawn to dangerous commercial enterprises, and may be successful, but if given the chance.

Henson (Mercury):

Clairvoyance; imitators; aptitude for studying human nature; angina pectoris; large or peculiar teeth; especially if on the Ascendant; wants to be the « head man » unless a benefic is here; good intellect; sometimes art ability but better suited to commercial enterprises; gives an immoral; mean; slovenly nature; pear-shaped muscle.

Cochrane (Mercury):

Sharp and clear thinking. Keen perception and penetrating insight. At times prone to caustic and satirical speech. May have a confused or one-sided attitude regarding sex.


Sabian Symbol (Venus):

Original from M. E. Jones: A Chinese laundry. Keyword: Seclusion

Rudhyar version: Same as original

Charubel (Venus):

Symbol: A May-pole with a crown of flowers at the top and a man climbing to procure it.

Denotes one whose sole object in life is popularity, and in whose organism the love of approbation predominates.

La Volasfera (Venus):

Symbol: Two arrows crossed.

This is the symbol of an aggressive spirit, a mind given over to contention and strife, and a soul that is set against the current of public feeling and opinion. Such an one will run counter to the established laws of social life, and be continually engaged in the pursuit of his own eccentricities. There is danger of litigation and a menace of a violent end. It is a degree of STRIFE.

Matthews (Venus):

Symbol: « LUCK AND GUESSING » See Gemini 21-22.

A good mathematician, or an expert at analyzing people and their motives. Often a person with political influence.

Carelli (Venus):

Symbol: Two men engaged in a deadly fight.

Here is the perfect embodiment of stubborn and relentless dissension; should other aspects fail to soothe this influence, the native would be an unmitigated faultfinder. To listen to him, current public opinion is nonsense (and there is something in this); the established order is unjust and absurd – nay, this is the worst possible world (which is slightly exaggerated); whatever idea is conceived by others can be but worthless trash, if by no other reason, because it crossed someone else’s mind and must be condemned without trial. Here the native’s spirit of wanton denial reaches the freakish height of its childish hideousness.

At the bottom of all this there is an unavowed thirst for public applause and a total lack of the constructive gifts leading to recognition; the native must therefore fully exploit the only weapon still at his disposal – applause of his critical thrusts against other people’s buildings. He will tirelessly throw stones at others, polemicize, heckle and run down their works. Still, when milder stars do not interfere, he will be in for quarrels, brawls, squabbles, lawsuits for libel, well-deserved boxes on the ears and duels, which will be his daily task. Death on the dueling ground cannot be ruled out.

We spoke of the politician. Should the native not be one, I should be at a loss what other profession to advise. A look at the whole may help in any event. Where this shows evil moral features; theft and murder must be feared, or death in a scuffle or on the gallows.

Kozminsky (Venus):

Symbol: A dog on a wall baying the moon.

Denotes one restless in manner and uncertain in temperament who ever seeks for the unattainable and worries himself because he cannot get it. In his cry, however, there is poetry; poetry of a sad, hopeless strain as if foreboding some forlorn end to ambition, power, and aspiration. It is a symbol of Sighing.

Muir (Venus):

Very ambitious but too restless to attain his objective until he realizes the virtue of patience.

Leinbach (Venus):

This influence seeks to balance spiritual, mental and physical aspects of nature. This is not an easy task and most of these natives end up with some kind of imbalance. Any such balancing may be dynamic and growing or structured and static. Any balance that is dynamic and growing must deal constantly with changing concepts and therefore he never reaches a place where he can say « this is it. » There will undoubtedly be moments of balance and then a struggle again with lack of balance. There is also a strong suggestion of fear and paranoid tendencies. He tends to doubt everything and everyone including himself. The more successful his balance the less this tendency will interfere. However, until and unless he achieves some measure of success he suffers these doubts and fears.

Weber (Venus):

Scorpio added to conflicting Sagittarius-Gemini combination causes a great deal of trouble for this highly active, intelligent, diplomatic, poised degree. Often distracted from important issues, and follows the easy path, looking too deeply for faults and flaws that don’t exist! Desire for power and recognition, there’s self defeat ahead for this degree once the « charm » wears off. Must avoid jealousy and suspicion at work and in romance as this only attracts the wrong elements.

Henson (Venus):

Often causes one to have an impediment in speech such as a stammer; inimical to marriage; a music degree (inventiveness); a good mathematician or an expert at analyzing people and their motives; often a person with political influence; enteric; typhoid fever; right trochanter.

Cochrane (Venus):

Careful and parsimonious. Interest in economics, politics, and conserving natural resources. Successful in business and worldly pursuits. Ambitious. (SAG-1-LEO, CAP-2-VIR)


Sabian Symbol (Mars):

Original from M. E. Jones: An evening lawn part. Keyword: Companionship

Rudhyar version: An Evening Party Of Adults On A Lawn Illumined By Fancy Lanterns

Charubel (Mars):

Symbol: A sailing ship on a calm sea. The sails are all unreefed, and the masts are decorated with a profusion of bunting.

Denotes one who will experience much happiness in life. It may be safely said of such an one, « Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. » In whatever sphere of action he may be engaged, he will come out with honor. He will be popular, he will receive the plaudits of the age in which he lives; but such popularity will not long survive his demise.

La Volasfera (Mars):

Symbol: A fine bull, of a white color, grazing in the shade of a large true which stands in a park.

The person denoted by this degree will lead a quiet and successful life, and will either be born into large estates, or will join such by marriage. In character the native will be steadfast, firm, independent, very reserved, benevolent, yet outwardly forbidding, patient, and cautious. This degree is one of ADVANTAGE.

Matthews (Mars):

Symbol: « FORTUNE »

Whatever he does seems to prosper. « Character is destiny. » These people carry within themselves the key to gold and glory. They are often born to wealth or acquire money through marriage, or both. The women of this degree are warm-hearted and open minded.

Carelli (Mars):

Symbol: A fair lady dressed with Christian modesty and uncommon elegance.

Life under this lucky star will be sheltered against storms and earthquakes and will glide along thriftily and smoothly. Wealth accruing to the native from inheritance or dowry, barring indications to the contrary, will give him a measure of independence, saving him at the same time the trouble of striving after money, as either the native personally or the native’s marriage partner, or both, will be born rich unless, as I have said before, the stars point to the contrary.

Even if not possessed of any relevant wealth, the marriage partner certainly will bring the most welcome gifts, above all, the gift of making the other partner happy, but may well be possessed of both.

A sound, straight, innerly felt moral code; a sensible and fair behavior; an instinctive reserve; an easy and gentle firmness of character; a natural balance of feelings-these are the virtues completing the picture.

Outward success ought not to fail; even fame might be attained if the pattern as a whole is favorable, though the native’s name is not likely to survive him. Should other aspects point to renown, this ought to dim after the subject’s death. Whatever the native’s merits, even if very high, his renown will be greater than reasonably expected among his contemporaries, and less than his due among his posterity.

Kozminsky (Mars):

Symbol: A man of martial and distinguished bearing giving alms to the poor.

Denotes one of brave and generous disposition who is an earnest and sincere champion of the oppressed and who is one of that great band who cannot be deaf to the moans of the suffering many. He is a militant, generous force, and in his philosophy « charity covereth a multitude of sins. » It is a symbol of Humanity.

Muir (Mars):

Of a shy, sensitive nature but earnest in seeking to right the wrongs of others.

Leinbach (Mars):

The influence of this degree seems to be strongly suggestive of Neptune. It is characterized as being more dreamy and vague than practical. Still, there is some promise of genius here. Much of this promise is not fulfilled. However, there are the buds of some rather precious qualities. The qualities are soft and unrestrained, rather naive and childlike, for the most part. The people in the environment play a large role in the life of this individual. He is impressionable and will develop in the area where he is encouraged. It may be largely responsible for of the developing interest in occult subjects of all kinds. We may not be able to understand all the best we been offered. People born during 1920 to 1921 with Neptune here should show us some pertinent qualities from this degree.

Weber (Mars):

Sensitive Pisces softens Leo which might make a withdrawn nature, but Libra’s better qualities shine through, attracting very good things of life, either by luck, associations or family – or industriousness and ingenuity. A « people » degree, sensible and fair, attractive and dignified as are most Leos. Charming, perhaps shy, likely to accumulate nice clothes, jewelry, wealth – good sense of value, fond of entertainment, often drugs and alcohol. Desire companionship. Fine for artistic vocations, but not for repetition, tedium or endurance.

Henson (Mars):

Whatever he does seems to prosper, often born to wealth, acquires money through marriage, or both; women with this degree are warm-hearted and open-minded, outer planets here contribute to a charming personality; spinal column.

Cochrane (Mars):

Generous and charitable. Helps the needy. Open, uninhibited way of expressing himself. Enjoys sports. Sociable and ingratiating. (LEO-1-SAG, PIS-8-CAN)


Sabian Symbol (Jupiter):

Original from M. E. Jones: A man suspended over a vast level place. Keyword: Contemplation

Rudhyar version: A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land

Charubel (Jupiter):

Symbol: A man in a green-house, with a watering can watering some flowering shrubs.

This denotes one whose delight will be in the study of the beautiful in Nature; who will devote time and energy to the development of the beautiful, more especially in the floral kingdom.

La Volasfera (Jupiter):

Symbol: A dog standing over a bare bone. In front of it are two others half starved.

It denotes a person of a very selfish and jealous nature, unproductive of any good to himself and of no use to his fellows; a mere hanger-on. The disposition is indolent, but what it lacks in energy is supplied by suavity, finesse and subtlety, so that the native is never at a loss for the means to live; but buys comfort at the cheapest price, and is often a respectable beggar. It is a degree of INDOLENCE.

Matthews (Jupiter):


This seems to be a good degree for astrologers, the men with planets here usually take life seriously, even in youth. Denotes a pleasant personality for both sexes. The demi-mondaine is more apt to have planets in this sign than any other, followed by Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Aquarius, in that order. This is especially true of Cancer 1-2, 7 to 10, 21-22 and 28 to 30. Venus and South Node may have a good influence, but other planets in those degrees may denote a lack of chastity.

Carelli (Jupiter):

Symbol: A knick-knack in a glass case.

Whether the native is hard-working or, as he is likelier to be, lazy and sluggish, he will usually not prove up to the task of earning his keep. If he works at all, his work stays unfruitful, or goes to produce only superfluous, trifling and refined objects, the only things the native seems to be fond of. He ought to take a job connected with perfumes, luxury and fashion, the dressing or tailoring trade and the like.

Favorably aspected elsewhere, he may become an artist in the highest sense of the word, in the domain of figurative arts; in which case his anarchic sloth, his individualism and his jealousy toward his colleagues would fit into the pattern of those moral failings even Philistines are willing to pardon in artistic bohemians. Whether an artist or not, the native is only too prone to depend on others for his maintenance. But even as a toady, there is something noble about him. His inborn virtues will be sweetness, nicety, smartness, above all, a sincere love of beauty.

One physical feature is his often abnormal fear of air drafts.

Kozminsky (Jupiter):

Symbol: A laborer leaning against a tree watching a number of others digging in a neighboring field.

Denotes one who lets others do the work which he should do for himself. He is fond of the luxuries of life, but is quite content to receive without the toil of gaining them. He can advance his own philosophy to uphold his actions, and will be supported throughout his present life on earth. It is a symbol of Inertia.

Muir (Jupiter):

One who leaves matters of importance in the care of irresponsible people and readily gives his reasons for this. Subtle and luxury loving.

Leinbach (Jupiter):

This degree is very much like the basic Cancer nature. It strongly contributes to marital happiness. The danger here is that any abilities which interfere with the smooth operation of the home and family will be dropped for their sake. This means that much depends on the partner’s interests and abilities. A difficult partner could ruin this native. The native is blessed with many and varied abilities together with a desire to travel which is more or less foreign to Cancer. He is very versatile with a good sense of rhythm and precision. That is, he works well in the free flow of what is going on around him. He is capable of doing precision work of all kinds as well as being precise in his movements generally. He has a friendly disposition and does well working for the public. He has much less of the negative suspicious nature of Cancer, and is generally outgoing. His generous abilities also seem to attract the measure of luck he needs. He limits himself in terms of his home ties to which he is absolutely loyal. Much depends on where he sets those boundaries.

Weber (Jupiter):

Taurus and Libra – two signs associated with Venus and commerce – point toward objects of love, luxury and fashion. Signature of an artist or craftsperson. Well-mannered and sweet, youthful and inclined to self-indulgences. Somewhat lazy and slow, lacking fire, and often attracted to the wrong mates and associates. Sociable, fond of trade and contemplation, always smiling, pleasant and confident, often over looking faults and serious responsibilities.

Henson (Jupiter):

Good for astrologers; men with planets here usually take life seriously, even in youth; a pleasant personality; the demimondaine is apt to have planets here; good for Venus and South Node, but other planets here may denote a lack of chastity; a fortunate degree; seventh rib.

Cochrane (Jupiter):

Emotional and instinctive. Strong creative forces that can promote emotional confusion, jealousy, etc., if not channeled effectively. (ARI-10-CAN, SCO-5-AQU)


Sabian Symbol (Saturn):

Original from M. E. Jones: A man’s head. Keyword: Character

Rudhyar version: In A Portrait, The Significant Features Of A Man’s Head Are Artistically Emphasized

Charubel (Saturn):

Symbol: A wolf carrying away a lamb.

Denotes deception, cunning, avarice, and cruelty. Such a degree, unless there be much to counteract it, would render the native liable to become a great criminal.

La Volasfera (Saturn):

Symbol: A festival or occasion for the assembling together of villagers in gala costume.

It denotes a person of a sociable, friendly and flexible nature; capable of adapting itself to its environment; having a strong taste for pleasures of various kinds, luxuries, festivities, etc. It promises friendships and good fortune to the native, who will be much esteemed for his convivial spirit. It is a degree of FEASTING.

Matthews (Saturn):


Friendly and sociable nature. Studious, but often seeking new diversions. An industrious person with many friends.

Carelli (Saturn):

Symbol: A hunting party. Smart riders and fair sportswomen gallop merrily to the horns’ blare and the hounds’ yelps.

A sociable, merry and probably frivolous and superficial nature, fond of collective games in general (but not of individual or athletic sport), especially horseback riding and hunting. One endowed with scanty wits, but plenty of friends and acquaintances, and love affairs galore. The native’s gift for getting in tune with different kinds of people makes him the pivot of merrymakings, excursions and obviously of hunting parties. His gentlemanlike discretion will let people overlook his either sentimental or merely erotic adventures, which all will suspect, but of which none will know the victims with certitude.

Should the subject couple a certain earnestness to his outward smartness, to his worldly achievements and gallantry, he is sure to be successful, as many an association formed in pleasure and sport will immensely further his professional advancement.

In less lucky charts this influence will easily drift astray into cruel selfishness and double-dealing, which are natural tendencies in a libertine, as in Maupassant’s Belami.

Where the horoscope is particularly bad, the native will be a sadist, a seducer of minors, a gangster, perhaps a murderer; but even thus perverted, a sociable spirit still will be traceable to him.

The native will tend to bodily fullness and will need plenty of sleep.

Kozminsky (Saturn):

Symbol: A traveling pilgrim leaning on his staff, which he holds in his left hand, addressing a small band of men and women.

Denotes one whose early life is threatened by the elements and who will be compelled to endure sufferings, hardships, and trials as an atonement for remote past acts. If his destiny is to live, his destiny is to overcome, and he will be a wise instructor and guide to his fellow-men. It is a symbol of Repaying.

Muir (Saturn):

Apt to depend upon others for vitality in early life. A philosophic teacher later in life.

Leinbach (Saturn):

This degree pulls together what qualities the native is capable of mastering from Leo and Virgo. It is a high challenge. Those with little ability seem to have a certain dignity even when relegated to the lowest position. Virgo is a sign of service and Leo of kingly elegance. This degree combines these two influences. A person of this degree placed in high position would gain the greatest devotion from those he commanded because of his willingness to be of service to those under his command. « He who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven must be servant and last of all. » Also, « Ye shall in nowise enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless ye become as little children. » This degree is a challenge to this awareness. A real test of the individual’s measure of greatness. When this individual passes this test his greatness will radiate from the lowest position to be found. « As above, so below »; and « Whither shall I flee from the love of God. Even though I descend to the depths of hell behold thou art with me. » There is evidence of this degree going to extremes in both directions. Only by the above described philosophy will one reach the top. Those who have little awareness and ability will have to start at the bottom. The influence stimulates an awareness of humility; life can be cruel to these people as well as kind. The lessons are not easy to anyone who fails to understand the basic and underlying principles.

Weber (Saturn):

Helpful Cancer adds depth of feeling, creativity, and hopefulness to this Leo-Virgo degree of transition – the heat of Summer is passing, the world’s plant growth is at or nearing its maximum for the year. This degree is a simple, curious, childlike follower of excitement and sensuality. Fastidious Virgo and Cancer is a director in romances, and is security conscious. Selective of friends and activities. Desires the uncommon quality of Leo; often drawn to emotional pursuits, perhaps writing, games, psychology, and certainly firm in beliefs and emotional habits, which may cause difficulties.

Henson (Saturn):

Music; literary taste; friendly and sociable nature; studious but often seeking new diversions; an industrious person with many friends; photography; upper duodenum.

Cochrane (Saturn):

Refined disposition. Dislikes anything coarse or crude. Well-mannered, cordial, and conservative. (ARI-8-VIR, LIB-2-PIS)


Sabian Symbol (Uranus):

Original from M. E. Jones: Children playing around five mounds of sand. Keyword: Naivete

Rudhyar version: Children Playing Around Five Mounds Of Sand

Charubel (Uranus):

Symbol: A round temple with pointed roof.

Denotes a person partial to the outward observances of religious rites; very superstitious regarding its mysteries.

La Volasfera (Uranus):

Symbol: A bear sleeping beneath a tree around which is a swarm of bees.

This symbol indicates a mind that is slothful and inactive, relying on a false idea of the invariable necessity of things rather than upon his own efforts and disposed to take a fatalistic view of life. But both heaven and Earth conspire against him, and while he remains heedless of the busy workers all around him, the sweets of life also remain unknown to him; eventually he will be spurred into a blind and fruitless activity, and will suddenly be bereft of his natural powers. It is a degree of INDOLENCE.

Matthews (Uranus):


Sometimes a degree of fortune and misfortune, depending on aspects. Enthusiastic and inspiring.

Carelli (Uranus):

It is a feminine degree. It bestows remarkable beauty, a debonair character, a probably strong physique or, at any rate, one that can stand pain, hardship and hard work; but it tends to exclude any spiritual kind of religion. Its essential feature is an absolute fatalism which, according to the marshaling of the other influences, can produce two different effects.

In a noble native there will be a tragically deterministic view of the main problems of life, a mechanical conception of the universe, leaving no room for any religious faith or anything transcendent; a stoic acceptance of any sacrifice – nay, a need to sacrifice oneself, even groundlessly, as a kind of mental masochism, without any enthusiasm or joy for the hardships withstood, which may really have cost a great self-denial.

On the other hand, a much coarser being will not be an atheist but a fetishist, a bigoted clericalist or the like. He will be utterly devoid of any stoical spirit and apt to let his fatalism or determinism – no longer a purely sentimental or speculative leaning – weigh heavily on his practical life and work. In this case the native’s main feature will be a slothful passivity, which may border on idleness or cowardice. Should a fillip from outside or an inner impulse rouse the sluggard to some work, he will fling himself blindly into it, but his labor will risk being wasted, and his body being crippled in the process.

One result is common to both types of native: he will not be able to taste the joy or the pleasures of life.

Kozminsky (Uranus):

Symbol: A large ship ashore on an ironstone coast, waves dashing over her.

Denotes one disposed to travel and to delight in adventure and change. He has a vigorous personality, but is inclined to take from others more he is willing to give. He will possibly attain a position, and his influence will sway many, it let him learn when to fall back into a more peaceful life, else will the great ship be cast on a dangerous coast by reason of strange influences, and disaster will be the end. It is a symbol of Conflict.

Muir (Uranus):

A lover of adventure, enthusiastic when interested but inclined to take more than he gives.

Leinbach (Uranus):

This is one of the weaker degrees of Scorpio. The native is ruled more by the heart than the head and his courage is more impulsive than steady. He usually attracts a host of friends who value him for his compassion and understanding. These natives, because of their interaction with people, are masters at judging human qualities through a minute search of detail or simply by an evaluation of the whole picture as it functions. Much comradeship is indicated here and real skill in dealing with people. However, he is still subject to indiscreet actions of his own as well as his friends. The give and take of communication reaches a peak here and will solve many problems and prevent many problems from getting out of hand. There is an honest openness which inspires confidence as well as an innocence from lack of anything to hide. Even though he has nothing to hide, the personality is many faceted and complicated and many feel that they know this individual without suspecting the depths to which he reaches.

Weber (Uranus):

Airy, commercial Libra combines with watery, sensitive Pisces, making an attractive, debonair, talented degree. Sense of art and tastefulness, dislike of structured environments or religion, preferring instead occult and secret or trendy practices. Often sacrificial service to those in need. Feels a need for attachment – to feel alive. Seldom accumulates real wealth, putting low value on such things; usually relies on others. Often research in earth sciences; likely to be found in the movie theatre.

Henson (Uranus):

Business; exchange and barter; depending on aspects, a degree of fortune or misfortune; enthusiastic and inspiring; (South Scale); unforgiving, untruthful, ill health, malevolence. Obstruction lying, crime, disgrace, disease, danger of poison; Cowper’s glands.

Cochrane (Uranus):

Successful in business pursuits. Enjoys a sense of wealth, comfort, and ease in life, and is willing to work for it. (VIR-11-ARI, SAG-2-CAN)


Sabian Symbol (Neptune):

Original from M. E. Jones: An Easter sunrise service. Keyword: Rebirth

Rudhyar version: An Easter Sunrise Service Draws A Large Crowd

Charubel (Neptune):

Symbol: A little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles.

Much innocence, one who will live long, but one who will do but little good or harm; ever bent on personal. amusement, and such as may be deemed worthless.

La Volasfera (Neptune):

Symbol: A man afloat upon a raft.

This symbol denotes one of isolated and lonely mind, given to projects of alien kind, daring enterprises and unique adventures. Such an one will be estranged from his relations and kindred, and will lead a life of great vicissitudes and hardships, failing in the latter part of life in some bold adventure whereby he will become involved in many troubles. His position in life will be unstable and as it were founded upon the waters. He may be a sailor and become shipwrecked, or in other capacity will meet with wreck of fortunes and be deserted by his own. It is a degree of ABANDONMENT.

Matthews (Neptune):

Symbol: « AUDACITY »

Denotes intellectual interest. La Volasfera calls it a « Degree of abandonment. »

Carelli (Neptune):

An original mind and an outstanding personality. There is a great faith in God, a strictly religious mind without taint of Puritanism, an open and honest heart, a free and easy temper.

On the reverse side of the shield we find that the native’s merriness betrays a childish strain, that his carefree and frolicsome craving for amusement sometimes runs away with him and stops him from doing any real good. His too-marked personality may, in spite of his generosity, isolate him or cut him off altogether from human society.

The native is sensitive to cold and needs warm garments. His life will be long but not prosperous – therefore too long. Some reckless acts may land him in endless trouble. The shakiness of his position will sour his ripe age and bring about an old age of hardships and toil. Abandoned by his neighbors, the native will find no refuge other than prayer. May God lend an ear to his wishes.

Kozminsky (Neptune):

Symbol: Cupid holding a broken arrow in his right hand and a miniature anchor in his left.

Denotes one of an artistic and romantic temperament, fond of the poetic and beautiful and of that branch of science which lifts the soul of man beyond mere worldly limits up to the star-lands and the mountains of the moon. He may leave an enduring work of science, poetry, or romance.

Whatever he does he has faith in, and whatever he does hits the mark. It is a symbol of Imparting.

Muir (Neptune):

Artistic and refined, generous and free, inventive according to the needs of the times and environment.

Leinbach (Neptune):

This degree gives pleasure loving qualities and the ability to maintain sustained effort when the affections are involved. There is an association here with infections resulting in boils. The infectious conditions may also have a symbolical meaning signifying contamination psychologically as well as physically. Breathing is influenced here. It is often activated in cases of drowning. Air pollution and smoking are very detrimental to them. The degree may force anti-pollution measures or be associated with consequences for failure.

Weber (Neptune):

Begins the second half of Sagittarius. An Aries degree, and daylight hours become shorter and shorter. This helps settle and mellow this sign, but also begins an area of negative influences in the zodiac. Earthy Virgo cools down hot Aries/Sagittarius of the previous degree, bestowing better mental and organizational abilities, but nothing approaching genius. Often dissatisfied with career, naive and fond of amusement and ceremony. Tends to neglect health (walking in the rain, etc.) and social responsibilities. May not make lasting personal connections; may be abandoned, blamed, and accused due to casualness or carelessness.

Henson (Neptune):

Artistic talent; denotes intellectual interest; abandonment; sciatic nerve.

Cochrane (Neptune):

His philosophy of life emphasizes individuality and self-reliance. Talkative and enjoys traveling. Fluent speaker. Sharp and clear thinking. (LIB-11-GEM, LEO-9-ARI)


Sabian Symbol (Pluto):

Original from M. E. Jones: A retired sea captain. Keyword: Relaxation

Rudhyar version: A Retired Sea Captain Watches Ships Entering And Leaving The Harbor

Charubel (Pluto):

Symbol: A horse saddled and bridled, and galloping away without a rider.

Let this native shun the hunting field and beware of all equestrian adventures. Let him remember also that the horse is the symbol of the senses, and the rider of the mind.

La Volasfera (Pluto):

Symbol: An old door in which a dagger is stuck.

It denotes a person who has a critical and quarrelsome nature, apt to find fault with the opinions of others for the sake of controversy, striking at existing systems and laws even when unable to improve upon them. A mocking, taunting spirit, which will bring upon the native a series of troubles in life. Eventually he will be convinced of his foolishness by the strong hand of retribution. It Is a degree of FOLLY.

Matthews (Pluto):


A good worker. Practical and inventive mind. Active, progressive and energetic.

Carelli (Pluto):

Symbol: A sweetly chirping starling.

A musical soul, gifted for tuning together human voices more than instrument voices, and more for solo singing than polyphony.

A perennially youthful spirit, a born enemy of the powers that be, irrepressibly poking fun at traditional taboos. According to other astrological factors, the character may tend more to good natured joking than to crude jesting, to a cheerful unconcern rather than to bitter faultfinding, or vice versa.

In either case, critical sense and dialectic fluency are first rate but may degenerate into a childish desire to demolish and contradict, into an idle quarrelsomeness that looks for trouble and may land in it for no reason. Even if other aspects and a suitable upbringing instill the most gentlemanly and the politest wittiness into the native, he would still be very unlikely to use it opportunely.

The native’s drawback is an ingenuous belief in abstract logic and Goddess Reason. He cannot find it in himself to admit the existence of such a thing as a mentality.

As the mind, so the native’s body will stay nimble, lithe and youthful till late years. The snag about this is that youth’s passions will lose little of their fire and will be hard to check. Such a glut of physical energy will need a life in the open to find its proper outlet. There is a great fondness for horses and riding. However, this breezingly irreverent Till Eulenspiegel often will run the risk of losing his freedom, through either reprehensible light-mindedness, the uncalled for heroics of an improvised revolutionary, or simply the crime of having slighted the undisputed sovereignty of philistine tradition. All that is likely but not certain. Widely different reasons may lead the little bird into a gilt cage.

Kozminsky (Pluto):

Symbol: A beautifully formed foot rising from a haze of color-waves.

Denotes one artistic, thoughtful, and able, an idealist of a highly sensuous nature whose it is to blend material thought with spiritual understanding, who perceives that beauty of form must melt into the sublimity of spirit. He will have powers as an inventor, for his inspirations are of a highly utilitarian nature, despite the Neptunian flights to which they ascend. It is a symbol of Sensibility.

Muir (Pluto):

One who dreams dreams and matures them into large undertakings. He is ever guided from other realms of consciousness.

Leinbach (Pluto):

There are much greater abilities than show on the surface of these individuals. It might be symbolized by an island supported underneath by a broad expanse but only a small land mass above the water. It usually indicates more support than necessary to do what needs to be done. Whatever shows of this individual is only a sample of his overall ability but it is consistent with what shows. There may not be enough showing to make an accurate evaluation but it is consistent. For the most part these abilities contribute to success. Perhaps the fact that their abilities tend to be hidden may contribute to criminal tendencies. This degree also contributes to military careers. There also seems to be a religious faith and some tendency to have a fatalistic philosophy about what happens to them.

Weber (Pluto):

Cardinal Cancer polarizes, distinguishes and excites well-balanced Libra/Aquarius – practical and inventive, gifted in mechanical arts, helpful at home, appreciation of music, and scientific interests. However, it can possibly be a « wavering » degree: unconventional, desires attention, attracted to unusual events, disaster and contradictions – often for personal amusement. Energy must be well-directed. Often weak, frail and white or blond appearance. Attractive, easy-going and childlike; not well adapted to work. Needs flexibility, rest, peace, quiet; and an understanding gentle, devoted mate; and good-natured fun now and then.

Henson (Pluto):

Electricians; a good worker, practical and inventive mind; active, progressive, and energetic; criminals who usually have fewer planets in Libra than in other signs, usually have them here and in the following degree if al all; adrenal arteries.

Cochrane (Pluto):

Energetic, individualistic, self-reliant. A leader. Seeks direct, personal, honest relationships with others. May be domineering. (LIB-1-ARI, LEO-11-AQU)


Sabian Symbol (Ascendant):

Original from M. E. Jones: A woman reading tea leaves. Keyword: Signature

Rudhyar version: A Woman Reading Tea Leaves

Charubel (Ascendant):

Symbol: A man walking beside a cow, with his hand on her back, and bringing her home from the pasture at eventide.

Denotes one very fond of cattle, also one who will possess great control over the bovine species, and one who will prosper by a dairy farm.

La Volasfera (Ascendant):

Symbol: A dark and lonely pool overhung by wooded banks.

This is the index of a nature that will be given to contemplation and philosophical musings. In the silence and solitude of his own soul he will enter into an intimate communion with Nature and will be blessed with an understanding of her more obscure laws and his mind will be pervaded by a peace which none will be able to disturb. His affections will be deeply rooted in all that appertains to the simpler and more natural life, and his poetical and visionary nature will lay hold upon eternal verities. As for himself, he will walk by the side of his mother Nature, and his soul will be lifted to a place of rest. Unpractical though he may be in many things, yet his message will be one of authority as appertaining to a favored child. It is a degree of CONTEMPLATION.

Matthews (Ascendant):


People who will rule or direct others. Industrious planner. Enjoys life in his or her own way.

Carelli (Ascendant):

This is one of the finest degrees of the whole zodiac and bestows even physical beauty, but its highest prize lies in the inner stillness and enlightenment it confers. The native has such a wealth of spiritual resources as to enable him to preserve an unruffled self-assurance under any circumstances. Even if poor and uneducated, he will draw from an inborn, instinctive wisdom, an unerring insight into nature, its beings and its laws; if in a position to learn, he will delve deep into the knowledge of such laws and will be led to discoveries that will raise him into renown; but in any case, whether famous or obscure, he will prefer inner meditation and silence to the fuss of the teeming human masses.

Other components, in contrast with the spiritual nature of this one, may let love of nature and animals drift along utilitarian lines and result in the trade of a dairy farmer, a cheesemonger, or a beemaster.

Kozminsky (Ascendant):

Symbol: A dismantled fortress in ruins; near-by, an old man sitting on the ground, his back resting against a rock, with a sacred book beside him. His face expresses great sadness.

Denotes one of conservative and contemplative mind, aspiring, purposeful, and retentive, who mends the broken chains which link the past to the present, and who sees in the coming dawn a reflection of the remote past. He gains honor and esteem, but is not free from sadness. His ideals will be injured by events, expected perhaps in all but intensity. It is a symbol of Comparison.

Muir (Ascendant):

Quiet, retiring and contemplative. « Given the same condition the same results are likely to recur » is the keynote of his philosophy and he works for a brighter future.

Leinbach (Ascendant):

A native of this degree seems to be heavily burdened with something, which prevents him from having the freedom other people enjoy. This burden usually takes the form of some kind of responsibility that may be some great honor. At any rate, he is dependable and reliable and can be counted on to chart a steady course for those who depend on him. He is guided by strict precise thinking which unerringly brings him to his destination. This may be more literally true if the native should be involved in navigation. He is usually ambitious and seeks the responsibility he finds himself saddled with. Most probably do not realize anything desirable about the freedom they so willingly give up. They have sufficient ability for success in whatever they assume responsibility for.

Weber (Ascendant):

Diverse Gemini effect coupled with Capricorn near the cusp of Aquarius – the Sun is beginning to move northward toward the equator, thus this degree is very much a degree of progress, innovation, reasoning, and advancement. Progress means freedom for restricted Capricorn. « Wise » degree, perhaps a lawyer or judge drawn to the interaction of men and women, or community service, the earth sciences, perhaps food and shelter industries – all are fertile ground. Pitfalls: doesn’t like to stay in one place – transient and flighty.

Henson (Ascendant):

Hair; people who will rule or direct others; industrious planner; enjoys life in his or her own way; artery of left knee.

Cochrane (Ascendant):

Progressive and forward-looking. Enterprising. His values are based on rational, humanistic understanding rather than mere social conformity. Dislikes outmoded and restricted social customs. (PIS-3-SAG, AQU-2-SCO)

Midheaven (MC)

Sabian Symbol (MC):

Original from M. E. Jones: A Halloween jester. Keyword: Spontaneousness

Rudhyar version: Children In Halloween Costumes Indulge In Various Pranks

Charubel (MC):

Symbol: A man in full armor, with helmet on head and spear in hand.

One fond of military pursuits; will make a good soldier; generally of very good proportions.

La Volasfera (MC):

Symbol: A woman in trailing robes waving a wand around which as coiled a serpent.

It is the index of a nature that is both clever and cunning; capable of asserting its power over others by persuasion or fascination. To such will be given some lofty command or position of trust, and success will be achieved by personal charm and magnetic power. It is a degree of ATTRACTION.

Matthews (MC):

Symbol: « DRAMATIC »

A powerful degree. Energetic people who can do great things. Usually a liberal friend of the downtrodden.

Carelli (MC):

Symbol: A very large-headed snake.

Wariness, wisdom and skill in the highest measure, which can be sublimated into the cardinal virtue of prudence, and as easily swerve into ignoble cunning, sneaking toadyism, venomous treacherousness.

The native will exert the greatest influence on his neighbors through his mastery of words, which will enable him to hold a nearly irresistible and hypnotic sway over others with the greatest parsimony of sentences. Should other aspects concur, he would have an uncanny knack of shifting any argument onto ground most favorable to himself, and of cunningly turning the debate in such a way as to let the opponents dig their own graves with statements jeopardizing their own case. This would make him highly dangerous if he were, as he is likely to be, a double-tongued trickster.

Unusually enough, to his gift of gab and to his moral and bodily suppleness, the native will join a true warlike spirit and other gifts that may stand him in good stead both on the battlefield and in a barracks; he will be able to alternate the use of a stirring word with the display of a combativeness that sometimes can reach heroism, but will oftener make him harshly and aggressively unpleasant to anyone not under the power of his magic spell.

With these gifts, the military and political careers are obviously open.

In spite of all, the gifts mentioned above are capable of sublimation; one should not forget that this degree stands under the symbol of a snake, whose meaning is well known to the initiates.

Kozminsky (MC):

Symbol: A hand coming out from the heavens holding a pair of perfectly balanced scales, the star Venus glittering beneath.

Denotes one with a high ideal of true justice which to his mind is not possible without pure love. He is destined to send forth knowledge of a practical and philosophical kind which will help many along the stony way of life. He himself is a just and generous person, his principles guiding his acts in life. It is a symbol of Justice.

Muir (MC):

Suffering injustice himself, he is ever ready to spend himself in helping the otherwise defenseless.

Leinbach (MC):

Much capacity for quiet research, which needs to be balanced by more active recreation, is indicated here. There is a great fondness for learning adaptable to any sedentary pursuits, in the fields of science, art, literature, etc. This would be an excellent influence for a college professor. There is also an ability to dramatize what he wishes to convey, making his communication more understandable. His abilities are sufficiently grounded that he can express himself without fear. He establishes himself on solid ground and needs not be defensive of what he does or believes. He usually does not become a public figure or come in contact with those unable to appreciate what he is.

Weber (MC):

This degree’s nearness to Sagittarius brings troublesome karma to Scorpio. Aggressive, mental degree, well-suited for the military, covert war, spying, protection – or church, metals, research, inquisition. Always a strategist, mindful of mankind’s weaknesses and the cruel methods used by senseless enemies. Seldom a loser and despite low status or birth, develops its potentials.
Becomes a master of words and difficult tasks – heroic or devilish – confident although working with the barest of resources, relying on acting ability and spontaneity.

Henson (MC):

Acting; dramatic talent; dramatists; working with eyes; sight; a powerful degree; light coming down; energetic people who can do great things; clairvoyance; usually a liberal friend of the downtrodden; mediators; reincarnation, karma; redemption, sorrowful; beneficence, friends, refinement, and a position of honor; nasal muscles.

Cochrane (MC):

Values justice and equality for all people. Sensitive and imaginative. Self-sacrificing, helps the needy. May be dominated by others.